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Anosmia Awareness Day

Anosmia Awareness Day is observed on February 27 every year. It is a day to spread awareness about anosmia, which is the loss of the sense of smell, or as some people call it, nose blind. Did you know that loss of smell is associated with diseases that affect brain cells like Alzheimer’s in the future? Yes, loss of sense of smell is not to be taken lightly, and people need to be educated to prevent anosmia. 

Anosmia is the loss of one’s sense of smell or olfactory function.  While this might seem like a minor concern to many people, the loss of smell leads to many serious problems for people. Smell helps people to detect danger in their environments, such as smoke and noxious fumes. Smell is also useful in eating and keeping overall good health. By celebrating Anosmia Awareness Day, people can explore the reasons for anosmia and the different treatments that can bring relief and recovery.

For More On This.

November 30

The Smell Podcast: An Interview with Mindy Yang, World Taste and Smell Association

March 21

Olfactory Research Notes: Sandeepa Dey