Voices of Experience: What People with Taste and Smell Disorders Wish Others Knew

It’s difficult to truly understand the impact of losing your sense of taste or smell until it happens to you. To bring more awareness, we asked individuals living with these conditions to share what they wish others understood about their experiences.

Here, people from around the world with taste and smell disorders—ranging from mild to severe, whether congenital, viral, injury-related, or from unknown causes—open up about the challenges they face and the misconceptions they encounter.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your personal journey with us.

"That smell and/or taste loss is not an insignificant matter. It can have devastating dietary impacts (overeating or undereating), as well as causing emotional distress."

Belinda S., 57, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Anosmic for 17 years.

What’s your story? Share with us.