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“Our senses are what connect us to the world around us. Losing taste or smell is like losing a part of yourself.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson

“Approximately 50% of people aged 65 and older have some degree of olfactory impairment.”

Richard L. Doty, PhD

“Taste and smell are crucial to our ability to enjoy food and life itself.

Rachel Herz, PhD

Why give?

  • Dr. Steven Nissen

    “Smell loss can significantly affect mental health and quality of life.”

  • Rachel Ray

    “Flavor is at the heart of cooking; supporting research in this area benefits everyone.”

  • Gordon Ramsay

    “Losing your sense of taste or smell can change your relationship with food forever.”

  • Padma Lakshmi

    “Our ability to taste and smell is integral to our cultural and culinary identity.”

  • Andrew Zimmern

    “As a chef, I can’t imagine the impact of losing my sense of taste and smell; it’s devastating.”

  • Tom Colicchio

    “Supporting research in taste and smell disorders can help improve the lives of millions.”

  • Dr. Tim Spector

    “Our senses play a vital role in our health and nutrition.”

  • Dr. Scott Gottlieb

    “Sensory disorders can be early signs of neurological diseases.”

  • Dr. Scott E. Kern

    “Cancer treatments can affect taste and smell, making supportive care essential.”

  • Thomas Keller

    “The complexity of flavor is what makes cooking an art; losing that is losing a sense of artistry.”

  • Dr. Danielle Reed

    “Genetic research in taste and smell can reveal important insights into human health.”

  • Chef José Andrés

    “Supporting research in taste and smell is supporting the essence of culinary arts and human experience.”

  • Dr. Bruce Boeckx

    “Smell and taste disorders can lead to significant changes in dietary habits and overall health.”

  • Jiro Ono

    “The art of sushi relies on the delicate balance of taste and smell; these senses are irreplaceable.”

  • Dr. Thomas Hummel

    “Understanding smell loss can help us address broader health issues.”

  • Dr. Barry Smith

    “Taste and smell are often the first senses to decline, affecting nutrition and quality of life.”

  • Dr. Robert Henkin

    “Many people suffer in silence from taste and smell disorders, which can lead to depression and anxiety.”

  • Sarah Jessica Parker

    “Experiencing the loss of taste and smell due to COVID was a real eye-opener. It’s something you never think about until it’s gone, and it significantly impacts your quality of life.”

  • Dr. Alan Hirsch

    “Taste and smell disorders are more common than people realize and can greatly impact daily life.”

  • David Chang

    “As chefs, we need to support research that helps preserve our most essential tools: taste and smell.”

  • Tom Hanks

    “My wife and I both lost our sense of taste and smell when we had COVID-19. It really affected our daily lives and made us aware of how integral these senses are.”